Hit the road - To leave or start a journey, especially by car, Take a hike - To go for a walk, usually in nature or on a trail., Travel light - To travel with minimal luggage or belongings, Home away from home - A place where you feel as comfortable as you do in your own home, Book a trip - To reserve or arrange the details for a trip, such as flights, accommodations, or tours, Trip - A journey or excursion, especially for pleasure; a short visit to a place, Journey - The act of traveling from one place to another, often involving a long distance or taking a considerable amount of time, Call it a day - To decide to stop working or doing something, often because the task is completed or because it’s time to rest, Off the beaten path - A place that is not well-known or frequently visited, away from popular or well-traveled areas, To go sightseeing - To visit and explore the famous or interesting places in a particular location, usually as a tourist,
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