aperture - regulates how much light is allowed to pass through a lens, camera - a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, composition - subject arrangement in a picture, digital capture - taking pictures with a digital camera, display - window on a camera for viewing, exposure - the amount of light entering the film or sensor of the camera, film - light-sensitive material, frame - outline around the viewpoint, image file - converted digital data of a picture, ISO - the numeric rating of the image sensor sensitivity to light, lens - the piece of transparent glass that focuses rays of light on an image, memory card - holds digital information for future access and use, optics - a series of lenses, photograph - a picture created using a camera, where an image is captured on film, photography - an application, a practice, and an art that creates images and then makes them permanent, portraits - when subjects purposefully pose for a picture, shutter - controls the amount of time light is allowed to pass through a lens, subject - the person, place, or thing you have chosen to photograph, still life composition - photographing objects, viewfinder - rectangular window at the top of the camera for composing a subject,

Digital Photography-Unit 1 Flashcard Practice


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