colour coding - A system of marking items with different colors for easy identification., assignment - A piece of work given as part of studies or job responsibilities., collaborate - To work together with someone on a project., recall - To bring a memory of a past event into your mind., hands-on - Relating to experience or direct involvement in something., comprehend - To fully understand something., grade - To judge and give a mark to a student’s work or performance., retain - To keep or continue to have something., interpret - To decide the intended meaning of something., evaluate - To judge or calculate the quality, importance, or value of something., memorize - To learn something so well that you can remember it exactly., kinesthetic - Connected with the ability to know where your body parts are and how they move., assessment - The act of judging or deciding the amount, value, or quality of something., research - A detailed study to discover new information or understanding., cram - To try to learn a lot very quickly before an exam., swot - To study hard, especially before an exam., retention - The continued use or possession of something., commit to memory - To make certain you remember something., wander - To stop thinking about the subject you should be focused on., circle back - To return to a previous topic, discussion, or issue after some time has passed.,
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