When is Thanksgiving?, When is Flag Day?, When is Columbus Day?, When is Presidents Day?, When is Memorial Day?, When is Labor Day?, When is Independence Day?, What day is Thanksgiving?, What day is Flag Day?, What day is Columbus Day?, What day is Presidents Day?, What day is Memorial Day?, What day is Labor Day?, What day is Independence Day?, When do we vote for President?, Who lives in the White House?, Who was the first President?, Who was the second President?, Who was George Washington?, Who was Abraham Lincoln?, Who was the Father of Our Country?, Who lived here first?, Who can vote?, Who elects the President?, Who elects Congress?, What are the colors of the American flag?, What is the capital of the United States?, What was the first U.S. capital?, What was the first U.S. state?, What state has the most people?, What is the largest state?, What country is north of the United States?, What country is south of the United States?, How many states are in the United States?, What President is on the dollar bill?, What do we have to pay to the government?, What does Congress do?, Where is the White House?, Where does the President live?, Where does Congress meet?, Why do people want to be citizens?, Why do people come to America?, Name one right in the Bill of Rights., How many senators do we have?,

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