1) What's the emotion?  a) embarrassment b) anxiety c) ennui 2) What's the emotion? a) disgust  b) envy c) sadness 3) What's the emotion? a) anger b) ennui c) embarrassment  4) What's the emotion? a) fear b) disgust c) sadness 5) What's the emotion? a) joy b) sadness c) anger 6) What's the emotion? a) fear b) ennui c) envy 7) What's the emotion? a) joy b) anxiety c) disgust  8) What's the emotion? a) envy b) sadness c) fear 9) What's the emotion? a) fear b) anger c) disgust 10) What's the emotion? a) joy b) nostalgia c) fear

Inside Out 2: feelings & emotions


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