Breathe - to take air into the lungs and then expel it from the lungs, Heartbeat - beat caused by the heart contracting or squeezing and pushing blood throughout the body., Vital - refers to things related to life, Oxygen - A colorless, odorless gas necessary for almost all life, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - a gas the body gives off as waste., Respiration - the exchange of gases between the body and air., Respiratory System - a set of organs that function together to move gases into and out of the body., Blood - body fluid that moves materials throughout the body, Circulation - the process of moving blood throughout parts of the body, Circulatory System - the organ system that moves blood throughout the body, Heart - he muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system, Blood Vessel - Tube like structure in the body through which blood flows, Pulse - The detectable surge in pressure as blood moves through an artery., Atrium - upper chamber of the heart through which blood moves to the ventricle., Ventricle - main chamber in the heart that pumps blood to the arteries, Aorta - A major blood vessel through which oxygen rich blood leaves the heart, Red Blood Cells - tiny structures in the blood cells that carry oxygen to body tissue, White Blood Cells - blood cells that contain structures that fight infections., Plasma - the clear fluid part of blood, Health - the degree of wellness of the body, Exercise - activity that requires physical effort to improve health, Diet - the combination of foods a person consumes,
Unit 4 Human Respiration & Circulation
4th Grade
Human body
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