1) What is your current legal name? 2) How are you eligible to be a U.S. citizen? 3) What’s your given (first) name? 4) What’s your family (last) name? 5) Would you like to legally change your name? 6) When did you become a lawful permanent resident? 7) What is your country of citizenship or nationality? 8) What is your current marital status? 9) What’s your occupation? 10) In the last five years, have you traveled outside the country? Where did you go? 11) What is your height? 12) What is your date of birth? 13) What is your country of birth? 14) What is your current address? 15) What's your previous address? 16) Is either of your parent a U.S. citizen? 17) What is your eye color? 18) Are you Hispanic or Latino? 19) How many times have you been married? 20) Do you have any children? What is your child’s relationship to you? 21) What is the immigration status of your spouse? 22) What is your race? 23) How long have you lived at your current address?

Common N-400 Personal Info Questions



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