cave paintings - Some of the oldest pieces of art that are known to us; the earliest examples have been found in Europe and are believed to be up to 40,000 years old., cromlech - a row of menhirs, dolmans - another term for portal tombs, such as those found in the Korean Peninsula, finger fluting - marks left by finger in soft stone, megalith - large stone blocks used to create prehistoric monuments, menhir - term for a megalith placed upright on one end, Nabta Playa - site for the oldest astrological monuments known; found south of the present day-city of Cairo in Egypt and estimated to be about 1,000 years older than Stonehenge, Newgrange - A passage tomb created in Ireland around 3,200 BCE; made of a large circular mound of earth, with a passageway and chambers made of stone., passage tomb - consist of a stone passage way to a burial chamber, all of which is covered by an earthen mound, portal tombs - constructed by having several upright stone blocks with a capstone placed over them, potters wheel - a revolving stand that can be used to form clay, Prehistoric art - Art produced before writing., prehistory - the time before writing was invented, reliefs - outlines of images on stone, wood, or other materials, where the background is carved away from the outlines so that the outlines stand out , shamanism - involves a religious practice where a practitioner or shaman reaches an altered state of consciousness through trance in order to interact with the spiritual world, Shigir Idol - Estimated to have been created in 7500 BCE; is the oldest known wooden sculpture; the sculpture is of a human, although the body is flat and covered in geometric motifs., Stonehenge - consists of an outer ring of smaller stones which surround the inner cromlech; the innermost stones of the monument found in England form a horseshoe shape that is aligned with the rising sun on the summer solstice, Woman of Willlendorf - female figure thought to have been carved between 24,000 and 22,000 BC,

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