Hamilton’s Economic Plan: Stabilize the government's finances by paying off debts from the Revolutionary War through the sale of new bonds and the creation of a national bank, Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson, Washington, Caused by... Revolutionary War debts, Resulting in... The Bank Act was signed into law, the first national bank opened , Resulting in... tax on whiskey, tariffs, Washington’s Farewell Address: Washington, Madison, Hamilton, Resulting in... Retiring to his home in Mt. Vernon, Caused by... Federalists and Anti-Federalists/Democratic-Republicans, Warned against permanent alliances with other countries, showed concern against the geographic differences in America, and warned against political parties, Caused by... French alliance/French Revolution, 3/5 Compromise, Necessary and Proper Clause: Giving power to congress to do things beyond what is stated in the Constitution, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, Caused by... the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Resulting in... Creation of the National Bank, Future legislation and supreme court case,

Washington's Presidency



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