Mark is very ____; he always wants to win games. Despite her achievements, Maria still feels ____ about her abilities. The ____ teenager refused to follow the school rules. Jane felt ____ before her big presentation at work. Tom is extremely ____; he has big goals and works hard to achieve them. Sarah is very ____; she always shows love and care. Lily has an ____ mind and comes up with creative solutions to problems. His ____ personality makes him popular at parties. After moving to a new city, John found it hard to be ____ without his family. Despite the challenges, she remained ____ and never gave up. She's a ____ woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next. You can always count on Emma; she is very ____. The manager can be quite ____ and tells her employees exactly what to do. Making ____ decisions helps you avoid unnecessary problems. She is very ____ and easily affected by others' feelings. Unlike his younger brother, Alex is very ____ and handles responsibilities well. During the interview, he appeared very ____ and smart. It's not nice to be ____ and only think about yourself.

Personality traits


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