inherit - to get genetic information from parents, heredity and genetics - the study of how genes are passed on from one generation to the next., reproduce - the act of creating offspring, allele - a letter that represents a trait, dominant - One of the ways a trait can be expressed will always be visible if the allele is present, represented by a capital letter, recessive - One of the ways a trait can be expressed, will not be visible if the dominant allele is present, represented by a lower case letter, genotype - the two alleles representing the trait, represented by two of the same letters, phenotype - the physical representation of a gene, homozygous - a matching combination of alleles representing a trait (aa, FF, GG, rr), heterozygous - a mixed combination of alleles representing a trait (Ff, Aa, Dd, etc), Punnett Square - a tool used to study genetic traits using genotypes, genes/DNA - where genetic information is found, offspring - the child or young produced by reproduction, trait - a characteristic that can be passed on,
Heredity Vocabulary
7th Grade
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