The Sphinx After the ____, the Sphinx is probably the best-known structure from Ancient ____. This strange form of a crouching ____ with the face of a ____, known as an anthrosphinx, represents the ____ Khafre. The head of the monument once bore a pharaoh's ____ headcloth and a headdress of a rearing ____, thought to protect the wearer from ____ forces. The statue, found in ____, is ____ feet long and nearly ____ feet high. It was built from soft ____, which unfortunately has been subject to much ____ through the ages. It also has an attached temple with 24 ____ to represent the ____ of the day. Though the construction of the ____ is attributed to ____, no ____ or writings exist that indicate the ____ of construction for the Sphinx. Debate about its origin continues, and some even believe that the Sphinx existed in some form ____ the pyramids were built. Obelisks The most prominent ____ development of the ____ was the obelisk. An ____ is a freestanding ____ pillar that gradually tapers and ends in a ____. Obelisks were usually ____ on the grounds of the temples and covered from base to near the tip with carvings or ____ in honor of the ____ who erected them. The ____ of the obelisk was originally covered in ____ or electrum to represent the ____. There are only ____ standing obelisks left in ____ today. The rest of them have been ____ to various locations around the ____. They can be seen in London, Paris, and even ____.

Art History-U3 L3



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