1) Someone tells you they don't want to play right now. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 2) What can you do when someone tells you they don't want to play with you? a) Find someone else to play with. b) Keep asking them to play. 3) Someone is playing their game too loud next to you. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 4) What can you do if someone's noise level is bothering you? a) Say "shut up!" b) Ask if they can be a little quieter. 5) Someone pushes you while you're walking. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 6) What can you do if someone pushes you? a) Push them back. b) Move away from them. 7) Someone says they don't like to draw after you said it's your favorite. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 8) What can you saw to someone who doesn't like to draw? a) Tell them they should like to draw. b) Ask them what they like to do. 9) Someone says "drawing is for babies!" a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 10) What can you do if someone says "drawing is for babies!" a) Cry b) Say "that's not true," and continue drawing. 11) Your classmates never let you take a turn in the game. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 12) What can you do if your classmates never let you take a turn in the game. a) Let an adult know. b) Never participate because they won't let you play. 13) Someone bumps into you while running. They say oops, but they don't say sorry. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 14) What can you do if someone accidentally bumps into you while running? a) Nothing, it was an accident. b) Tell on them to the teacher. 15) Someone makes fun of you for getting a question wrong in class. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 16) What can you do if someone makes fun of you for getting a question wrong in class? a) Tell them that hurt your feelings. b) Yell at them. 17) Someone says things that are not true about you to other people. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 18) What can you do if someone says things that are not true about you to other people? a) Call them a liar in front of everybody! b) Ask them why they are saying things that are untrue. 19) Someone asks you if they can take a turn on the game you're playing. a) Bullying b) Not Bullying 20) What can you do if someone asks you for a turn on your game? a) Tell them "after this round is over you can have a turn!" b) Ignore them and keep playing.

Bullying vs. Not Bullying



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