The World of Ancient Greece A vision arose. In the fifth ____ before Christ, an unprecedented idea sprang forth from a small Greek city-state on the dusty plains of Attica, exploded over the ____ Hemisphere, and gave birth to a new day. Though sometimes hidden by shadows, the light of this vision has illuminated us ever since. The vision encapsulated the classical ____ idea that society functions at its best when all ____ are equal and free to shape their lives and share and participate in running their state. Thus ____ was born. This new day carried with it an eruptive, creative spirit in Greece, resulting in the architecture, ____, drama, and philosophy that has shaped and directed Western civilization ever since. The Western world echoes with inspiration, imitations, and stamps of the art and thought that were produced in ____ Greece. In addition to the Greek ____ and individualistic character, which brought democracy to the world, scientists such as Euclid, ____, and Archimedes advanced the study of ____. Historians such as Herodotus and Thucydides brought accuracy, reason, and objectivity to the recording of events. The Greeks investigated the ____, as well as the physical world, and in doing so broadened the base of human knowledge.

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