Greek art, architecture, drama, scientific advancements, philosophies and government have had a marked influence on the ____ world. With their art and architecture, Greeks attained the same ____ harmony and proportion that they believed existed in the natural world. Life-like ____ of ideal athletes, heroes, and gods dominated the ____ period, while ____ took center stage during the Hellenistic era. The ruins of ancient ____ provide ____ of the proportion, balance, and harmony of classical architecture. Because the country is located on the rocky terrain of a ____ in the Mediterranean, Greek citizens were challenged to find suitable ____ and appropriate living spaces. The land became a treasured ____ for the people, and highly defended. Because of this fact, Greece did not emerge as a unified country. Rather, various city-states developed over time. A ____ was a city area and surrounding land controlled by ____ particular government. City-states were not under the umbrella of a ____ country; instead, they operated as ____ nations. Each developed its own army, culture, and ____ system. In a quest to gain greater control, the various city-states would often ____ one another. Even with this internal division, the Greeks did ____ when threatened by an outside force. When faced with a ____ threat from the Persians, the Greek city-states came ____ to fight against them. To protect itself against ____ invaders, famine, and misfortune, Greek society often paid ____ to the many ____ that existed in its religion. Greek gods, being the creators of man, fashioned mankind’s appearance after ____. This allowed for a ____ connection between the ____ and the gods. The gods were depicted as ____ than life, but definitely ____ to humans. This resulted in personable gods that the culture could ____ to. To honor the various gods and keep them happy, Greeks practiced many different types of ____. Temples and ____ were erected in their honor. There were also celebrations and traditions that honored the gods, including festivals and competitive events such as the ____. Individual gods and goddesses were frequently hailed as the patron god of various city-states. The city-state of ____ was no exception. Named in honor of ____, Athens paid respect to this goddess in their activities, ____, and worship. Athena—goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts, and literature—was the ____ of Zeus, and she battled ____ to become the ____ god of Athens. The architecture ____ the city illustrated Athena’s miraculous birth, ____, beauty, and intelligence. To better understand the ____ of the culture, let’s review the impact and benefits of various cultural treasures. For example, Greek ____ is still read today. The Greek epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey have been a major influence on ____ literature. These stories focus on the Trojan War and the ____ who fought in it. The style of these works became a ____ for Western ____ for centuries after their creation.

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