1) if I say "watering plants, is a piece of cake" what do I probably mean to say  a) its easy b) the cake is doing it c) cake is growing 2) if I say "the two friends are Joined at the hip" what do I probably mean to say a) they are stuck b) they do all things together as friends 3) if I say "Cat’s out of the bag" what do I probably mean to say a) i will hold the cat in my hand b) the secret is out c) the tiger is on the loose 4) if I say "Sick as a dog" what do I probably mean to say a) very sick b) look like a dog 5) if I say "when pigs fly" what do I probably mean to say a) don't believe it will happen b) it will happen soon 6) if I say "Two heads are better than one" what do I probably mean to say a) I wish i grew another head b) buy 2 fish heads instead of one c) its better when two people figure it out together d) they will help each other figure it out


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