Greek Columns One of the most prominent features of any ancient ____ building is its columns. In architecture, a ____ is a supporting pillar usually consisting of a ____, a round shaft, and a capital, which is the area at the top of the column, usually decorated, and wider on the upper surface than the diameter of the supporting column. Have you ever noticed that there are actually several ____ styles of columns? These different ____ reflect different periods in Greek history and are very helpful when ____ attempt to discover the ____ of a building. Take a closer look. The first order of columns is the ____ column. This earliest style of column is named for the Dorians, an ancient ____ who were the ruling ____ in Greece at the time this column form was ____. The ____ were invaders from the north who conquered the earlier Mycenean ____ around the 12th and 11th ____ BCE. The ____ of these columns is simple and heavy. You will notice that there is no ____, and the capital is ____. The next order of ____ is the Ionic column named for the ____ people. The Ionians came from the area of modern ____ and conquered Greece around 1000 BCE, shortly after the Dorians had ____ themselves. The ____ style is slightly more elaborate. This column has a ____ and the capital is carved in the shape of a double ram's ____. An example of this ____ of column can be seen on the ____ of Athena Nike, built on the Acropolis between 427 and 424 BCE. (Yes, the very same Nike after which the ____ company was named.) The last and most elaborate order of column is the ____ order. This style was developed late in the ____ century BCE. The base of this column is more ____ and pronounced than that of the Ionic ____. Its capitals are ____ and elaborately carved in the shape of ____. This type of column was originally used only on the ____ of buildings, but can be found on the outside of ____ after the third century BCE.

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