brisk - energetic, lively, fast; cool and fresh, cherish - to feel or show great love for; to value highly, to take care of, considerate - showing concern for the needs or feelings of others, displace - to force to move of flee; to move out of position, downfall - a sudden fall from power or position; a sudden, heavy snow or rain, estimate - to form a rough judgement about size, quantity, or value; a rough calculation; a careful guess., humiliate - to hurt someone's self esteem or pride, identical - exactly the same; alike in every way, improper - not correct; showing bad manners or taste, poll - a collecting of votes; a place where voting takes place; a collection of votes; to receive votes; to vote; to question people or opinions, soothe - to make calm; to ease pain or sorrow, vicinity - the area near a place, the surrounding region,

Unit 9 Sadlier Vocabulary (5th Grade Blue Book)



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