1)  Onomatopoeia a) Broken words b) Words that convey sound 2) Personification  a) When someone is personified b) Human qualities given to objects 3) Alliteration  a) Repetition of the starting sound b) Using like or as 4) Allegory a) Hidden meaning, often a moral b) Contradictory situation 5) Hyperbole a) Stream of concieousness b) Exaggerative language for effect 6) Irony a) Explores contradictory situations b) When the antagonist wins  7) Simile a) Like, as, and sometimes why b) metaphor using like or as 8) Metaphor a) Comparisons b) Presents one thing as another 9) Enjambment a) Continuation of sentence without stopping at line b) When you bluntly stop at the end of each line 10) Allusion a) An indirect reference to some person, work, or even event outside the poem b) When the verb means two different things


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