In your letter you asked me about my last journey. Well, I didn't enjoy it because at ____ I asked for ____ but when I ____, I realized that she had given me ____! Talking about luggage, I can say that after I had my ____ lost last year I prefer to travel light - with ____ only. As for your last question, luckily, I have never ____ because I always arrive at the airport in good time. Anyway, tell me more about your ____. How long was it? Where was the department point? Was there any entertainment on board? Back to your questions. Talking about ____, I can say that I am not a big fan of such holidays because I love to plan ____ and book ____ myself. My last ____ went wrong from the start. First, we ____ and it took us 30 minutes to get out of the city. Then we had to spend 2 hours at ____ because we ____. As for the best way of touring Russia, I think it is by ____ not only because it is way cheaper than flying but also because there are no formalities like ____ or ____. Anyway, I am dying to learn more about the ____. Is it far from the main ____? What ____ are there? Is breakfast included?

Fill in the gaps with missing words


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