1) What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘media’? 2) What is the media? 3) Do you think the media have too much power? 4) What are the good and bad things about the media in your country? 5) What do you think about countries that ban or restrict the media? 6) Do you always believe the media? 7) Is the media of your country biased towards the views of your government over the war or terror? 8) Would you like to work for the media? 9) What do you think of the mass media? 10) What countries do you think have very good media and which have not so good media? 11) Why do people fear the media? 12) Should there be any censorship of the media? 13) Are reporters in today’s media lazy? 14) Do you think the media tries to manipulate people or change their views? 15) Is it a good idea for a country’s media to be controlled by the government? 16) Do you trust the media? 17) Does the media care more about truth or profits? 18) Do you personally feel that keeping up with current events is important? 19) What is the most important national and international story at the moment? 20) What do you feel was the biggest single news story in the past year? What is your opinion of the reporting of it? 21) Do you know anybody who has ever been on the news? Have you? What was the story? 22) Does the media concentrate too much on "bad news" and not enough on "good news" stories? 23) What is "news"? Is "good news" really news? 24) What criteria do you think that newspapers and television use to decide on what news to present: what is really important or what sells newspapers? 25) In what ways has new technology affected the way that news is produced and brought to us? How do you normally receive news? 26) Different newspapers often have their own political ideology, they print stories which tend to support that ideology and keep their readers happy. Some people suggest that we should read newspapers with a different political ideology to our own. What do you think of this idea?



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