Correct: Eukaryotes have linear chromosomes, Linear chromosomes are in the nucleus, Mitochondria have circular chromosomes, Chloroplasts have circular chromosomes, Mitochondria and chloroplasts have circular chromosomes, Prokaryotes have a single, circular chromosome, Prokaryotes have smaller circular plasmids, Yeast is a eukaryote, Yeast has plasmids, Eukaryotes have linear and circular chromosomes, Incorrect: Prokaryotes have many circular chromosomes, Prokaryotes don't have plasmids, Eukaryotes only have linear chromosomes, Prokaryotes have a nucleus, Mitochondria have linear chromosomes, Chloroplasts have linear chromosomes, Mitochondria and chloroplasts have linear chromosomes, Yeast is a prokaryote, All eukaryotes have plasmids, Prokaryotes linear and circular chromosomes,

1.1 Organisation of DNA (Higher Bio)


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