1) The enemy was moving fast. a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 2) His regiment a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 3) Henry thought for a while he kept his eyes to the ground. a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 4) Henry backed away then he turned and ran. a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 5) thought for a while. a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 6) The other men a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 7) Henry moved through the forest of ashes and fallen trees. a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 8) Jim was running into the fields Henry was certain that something was very wrong a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 9) The battered soldier questioned Henry again. a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on 10) were too late a) sentence b) fragment c) run-on

Sentence, Fragment, Run-On



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