smuggling - on border (import without taxes)), shoplifting - theft from supermarkets, forgery - fake money or documents, fraud - clever crime (deceiving people to get their money), speeding - one of the traffic offences, murder - killing on purpose, arson - making fire, burglary - breaking into a house and stealing smth, drug-dealing - selling narcotic, mugging - attack, robbery in public place, hooliganism - causing trouble (often by fighting), rape - sexual crime, noise nuissance - too loud after 22-00, highjacking - taking control over a plane or a bus, manslaughter - killing not on purpose, perjury - lie in court (as a witness), truancy from school - not attending classes, plagiarism - stealing ideas, embezzlement - stealing money from the place of work, assassination - killing V.I.P., kidnapping - stealinv a person, blackmail - threatening to tell smb's secrets, bribery - dishonestly giving money to make smb help you, tax evasion - avoiding paying taxes,

crimes (advanced)



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