afraid/scared/frightened - Feeling fear or being worried about something., amused - To feel entertained so that you laugh or smile at something., angry - To feel dislike because of something or someone, to feel annoyed., Anxious - worried and nervous, annoyed - To feel slightly angry or irritated at someone, Astonished - Feeling great surprise., Bored - feeling unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do:, Cheerful - happy, Confused - unable to think clearly or to understand something, curios - Wanting to know about something or someone, Delighted - Very pleased or happy, Depressed - Sad and without hope., Disappointed - Feeling sad and unhappy that something did not happen or did not happen in the way that you wanted or expected., Embarrassed - feeling ashamed or shy, Envious - wishing you had what another person has, Energetic - Wanting to be busy and doing a lot of things, Excited - feeling very happy and enthusiastic feeling very happy and enthusiastic feeling very happy and enthusiasticfeeling very happy and enthusiastic , Exhausted - Extremely tired, completely without energy., Grateful - feeling thankful for something, Guilty - Feeling guilt, Happy - Feeling pleased or pleassure, Hopeful - Full of hope, feeling that something you want is going to happen., Lonely - unhappy because you are not with other people, Miserable - very unhappy, or causing much unhappiness, Proud of - Felling good because you or sb you know has done smth well, Relieved - happy that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended, Sad/upset - Unhappy, Stressed - Worried and nervous, Surprised - feeling or showing surprise because something has happened that you did not expect:, Worried - unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen,
emotion gateway unit 8
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