If products are endorsed by celebrities, - people are more likely to buy them., I won’t buy sunglasses - unless they are a well-known brand., If I’m watching something on TV and there is a commercial break, - I change channels., Provided you take the time to shop around, - you can get good deals these days., If I see a new product in the shops, - I often try it., If I go shopping at the weekend, - I might buy something new to wear., If I buy a new mobile in the next twelve months, - it’ll be the same brand of phone as I’ve got now., I won’t buy another computer for at least a year - as long as my present one doesn’t break., If I need to buy a ticket next week,If I need to - I’ll do it on the internet., If luxury goods were cheaper, - people wouldn’t want to buy them., I’d buy a fake watch - if it was a good copy., If I were to start a business, - I might open a restaurant or sell fast food., If companies didn’t advertise, - we wouldn’t buy their products., If I found out a well-known company used child labour, - I’d stop buying their products., If there wasn’t sponsorship, - a lot of sports couldn’t survive.,
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