Octave - The distance of 8 notes. The interval between “hoping to find some…” in phrase 3 and “Hurry boy…” in phrase 4., B major - The tonality (key) of 'Africa', A major - The key Africa modulates to in the chorus., Syllabic - The word setting of 'Africa' is mostly..., Conjunct - The shape of the melody is mainly... , Melismatic - Describe the word-setting here., Melody & Accompaniment (homophonic) - Texture of Africa., Sign - This symbol shows the performers where to play from on the repeat. What is it called?, Link - Name this section which is heard after the chorus that brings the music back to the Verse, Instrumental Section - Name this section which gives an opportunity for instrumentalists to have a little “show off”, Split common time (2/2) - State the time signature of the piece., Soft Rock Love Song - Name the genre of 'Africa'., Riff A - This musical idea is referred to as... , Riff B - Name this musical idea., Pentatonic Scale - Which scale is Riff B based on?, Syncopation - Name the rhythmic device used in Riff A., Triplets - This rhythmic feature heard in the instrumental section is called..., Grace notes / Acciaccatura - Name this type of ornamentation., Harmonic Rhythm - The rate at which the chords change is called..., Flute-sounding synthesiser - The countermelody heard in Verse 2 is played by...,

Eduqas- Toto Africa Key Features


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