
A2 b1 elt

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A2 - Tell me more!
A2 - Tell me more! Random na kards
When was the last time you...?
When was the last time you...? Random na kards
Talk about...
Talk about... Random na kards
WE1 - U11 - LB
WE1 - U11 - LB I-unjumble
PRESENT CONTINUOUS (A2) Buksan ang kahon
GOING TO (A2) Buksan ang kahon
Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Irregular Past Tense Verbs Wordsearch
Imperativ „du", „Sie", „ihr" - A1
Imperativ „du", „Sie", „ihr" - A1 Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Speaking A2
Speaking A2 Random wheel
Brise-glace - A2/B1
Brise-glace - A2/B1 Random wheel
A2 - Vocabulary | School subjects - Recall quiz
A2 - Vocabulary | School subjects - Recall quiz Flash cards
A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1
A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1 Flip tile
Perfekt mit „haben" oder „sein"?
Perfekt mit „haben" oder „sein"? I-unjumble
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2 Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Countable/uncountable Pagsusulit
Komparativ und Superlativ von Adjektiven
Komparativ und Superlativ von Adjektiven Kumpletuhin ang pangungusap
Personalpronomen im Akkusativ - A1
Personalpronomen im Akkusativ - A1 Pagsusulit
PLACES (A2) Pagtutugma
QUESTIONS IN THE PAST (A2) Buksan ang kahon
A2 3.2 Irregular Preterite
A2 3.2 Irregular Preterite Balloon Pop
Possessivartikel „sein" und „ihr" (Nom und Akk)
Possessivartikel „sein" und „ihr" (Nom und Akk) Pagsusulit
ESL B1 - Articles
ESL B1 - Articles Whack-a-mole
Gateway B1 negative prefixes
Gateway B1 negative prefixes Pagsusulit
Places in a town 2
Places in a town 2 Pagtutugma
B1 Cittadinanza
B1 Cittadinanza Random wheel
Places in a town 1
Places in a town 1 Random na kards
Places in a town 4
Places in a town 4 Pagsusulit
Classroom language
Classroom language Flip tile
Präteritum - Was passt?
Präteritum - Was passt? Pagtutugma
CL5_comparatives of adverbs and adjectives
CL5_comparatives of adverbs and adjectives Kumpletuhin ang pangungusap
Breakfast 4 - quiz
Breakfast 4 - quiz Pagsusulit
A2 - Sports and Equipments
A2 - Sports and Equipments Hanapin ang tugma
 „haben" + Partizip II = Perfekt mit „haben"
„haben" + Partizip II = Perfekt mit „haben" I-unjumble
Containers 4
Containers 4 Flash cards
Things for a trip
Things for a trip Labelled Diagram
WE2 - U11 - LC
WE2 - U11 - LC Random wheel
Delf A2: production orale
Delf A2: production orale Buksan ang kahon
A2 - Grammar Auction - comparatives and superlatives
A2 - Grammar Auction - comparatives and superlatives Manalo o mawalan ng pagsusulit
Frasi (A1, A2)
Frasi (A1, A2) I-unjumble
Simple past - A day in the life
Simple past - A day in the life Pagtutugma
Past Simple - Common Irregular Verbs (B1)
Past Simple - Common Irregular Verbs (B1) Krosword
Personalpronomen Akkusativ oder Dativ?
Personalpronomen Akkusativ oder Dativ? Kumpletuhin ang pangungusap
What is "Burning Man"?
What is "Burning Man"? Kumpletuhin ang pangungusap
English Class A2+ (A2 Plus) - Unit 5 - all words mixed - pt7
English Class A2+ (A2 Plus) - Unit 5 - all words mixed - pt7 Hanapin ang tugma
Agree or disagree? (Nature)
Agree or disagree? (Nature) I-unjumble
A2 4.1 Preterite vs Imperfect
A2 4.1 Preterite vs Imperfect Hanapin ang tugma
Solutions Pre-Intermediate 3rd - 4A - Weather - Image Quiz
Solutions Pre-Intermediate 3rd - 4A - Weather - Image Quiz Pagsusulit ng imahe
Adverbs of manner 4
Adverbs of manner 4 Anagram
Modalverben im Präteritum - A2
Modalverben im Präteritum - A2 I-unjumble
Present Simple he she it +s ending (A1/A2)
Present Simple he she it +s ending (A1/A2) Pagsusulit
Passiv Präsens mit Modalverben
Passiv Präsens mit Modalverben I-unjumble
Food: meat, carbohydrates and vegetables
Food: meat, carbohydrates and vegetables Pagtutugma
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