“slowly, gravely, silently approached.” - – listing emphasising the slow speed., “gravely” - – connotations of death, “Scrooge bent down upon his knee” - – Highlights his fear / respect that he is unable to hold himself up., “deep black garment that concealed its head, its face, its form” - Repetition of ‘its’ highlights anonymity meaning the spirit could be representing anything., “mysterious presence filled him with solemn dread” - “filled” suggests that every part of him is consumed with fear, “Scrooge feared the silent shape so much that his legs trembled beneath him” - – his fear is having a physical impact on him, “Vague uncertain horror” - – This highlights that Scrooge does not know what will happen and is afraid of the unknown, “Future!” He exclaimed “I fear you more than any other spectre”  - – exclamation mark emphasises his fear, "But as I know your purpose is to do me good, and as I hope to live to be a better man from what I was” - - This links to the importance of redemption and following more of a 'Christian' life. ,

Christmas Carol Quote Analysis


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