RR (two dominant alleles) - Homozygous dominant genotype, rr (two recessive alleles) - Homozygous recessive genotype, Rr (one dominant, one recessive allele) - Heterozygous genotype, genotype - the genes an organism has (the 2 alleles written out), phenotype - the physical appearance/expression of the genes, Gregor Mendel - father of genetics, 2 - number of alleles (versions) you have of each gene - one from each parent, gene - segment of DNA with instructions for a protein, alleles - different versions of a gene, CAPITAL letter (ex: R) - dominant alleles are written with a:, lowercase letter (ex: r) - recessive alleles are written with a:, RR and Rr - genotypes that show the dominant phenotype, homozygous recessive - the one genotype that will show the recessive phenotype,

Language of Genetics


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