Concern - A concern is when the local authority is first told that an adult at risk may have been abused, is being abused, or might become a victim of abuse., Abuse - reaching of someone’s human and civil rights by another person or people. It may be a repeated or single act; it can be unintentional or deliberate and can take place in any relationship or setting, Adult at risk - Anyone aged 18 years or over who may be unable to take care of themselves due to age-related frailty, visual or hearing impairment, severe physical disability, learning disability, mental health problem, substance misuse or because they are providing care for someone else and therefore may be at risk of harm and serious exploitation., Alleged perpetrator(s) - Anyone who has been accused of abusing or neglecting an adult at risk, where this has not yet been proved., Care Quality Commission (CQC) - Independent regulator of health and care services in England, Partner agencies - Organisations that are members of the Safeguarding Adults Board., Whistleblowing - Whistleblowing is the term used when a worker passes on information concerning wrongdoing., Confidentiality - Confidentiality is the process of handling information that is identified as being of a personal and sensitive nature., Consent - Agreement given by a person who is competent to do so., Signposting - method of helping people find the services that they want without necessarily making a referral for them.,


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