cadair (cadeiriau) (b) - chair(s), fferyllfa (fferyllfeydd) (b) - chemist shop(s), gwobr(au) (b) - prize(s), marchnad(oedd) (b) - market(s), rhan(nau) (b) - part(s), sioe(au) (b) - show(s), anrheg(ion) (g) - present(s), gobaith (g) - hope, mêl (g) - honey, mis mêl (g) - honeymoon, siopwr(-wyr) (g) - shopkeeper(s), tabled(i) (g) - tablet(s), cystadlu - to compete, dyfalu - to guess, eistedd - to sit, glanhau - to clean, nôl - to get, collect, pacio - to pack, priodi - to marry, to get married, cenedlaethol - national, ifanc - young, ar ôl - after, beth bynnag - anyway, bobl bach! - good grief!, erbyn - by (amser), ers - since, ers llawer dydd - a long time ago, prif - main, top,highest,

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