comerás - you will eat, comerá - she will eat, pintaré - I will paint, pintarán - they will paint, iremos - we will go, iréis - you all (Spain) will go, jugarás - you will play, llegarás - you will arrive, llegará - she will arrive, llegaremos - we will arrive, jugaré - I will play, decoraré - I will decorate, decorará - he will decorate, cortarán el césped - they will cut the lawn, cortaré el césped - I will cut the lawn, pasarás la aspiradora - you will vacuum, pasaré la aspiradora - I will vacuum, plancharemos la ropa - we will iron the clothes, planchará la ropa - she will iron the clothes, comprarás el lazo - you will buy the bow, compraré la cinta - I will buy the tape, envolverá el regalo - he will wrap the gift, envolverán los regalos - they will wrap the gifts, lavará los tenedores - he will wash the forks, lavaré las cucharas - I will wash the spoons,

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