1) 90 in 90 2) Keep coming back! 3) Get a sponsor 4) It works if you work it! 5) Don't be nervous, get in service! 6) If you don't pick up, you can't get high. 7) This too shall pass 8) A simple program for complicated people. 9) Easy does it! 10) Those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean. 11) Keep coming back. 12) H.O.W. (Honesty, Openmindedness, Willingness) 13) ...whose ends are always the same: jails, institutions, and death. 14) One is too many, a thousand never enough. 15) My problem is between my ears. 16) Give yourself a break! 17) Just For Today 18) More will be revealed! 19) No matter what! 20) Alcohol is a drug. 21) Progress, not perfection 22) Life on life's terms. 23) We Do Recover 24) Get phone numbers -- and use them. 25) The Newcomer is the most important 26) After coming to NA, we realized we were sick people. 27) Learn to take suggestions. 28) Never alone, never again.

NA Zoom


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