bank - This is a place where you can take some money, restaurant - This is a place where you can have a lunch or supper, hotel - If you come to other city or country you can live here, it has stars, cinema - This is a plaThis is a place where you can watch a film or eat popcorn, library - This is a quiet place full of books, students sometimes do homework, butcher's - This is a place where you can buy meat or sausages, street - You can see driving cars here, people can't go here, hospital - This is a place where you go if you broke your leg, museum - You can see an Egyptian mummy or a dinosaur there, police station - This is a place where you can ask a policeman for help if you are in trouble, greengrocer's - You can buy fresh fruits and vegetables here, fire station - There is fire truck and some firefighters that can help you,


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