Simmer - Food cooked slowly and gently, just below the boiling point creating gentle bubbles, Grill - Food cooked quickly above a heat source on a metal grate, Microwave - Using radiation and waves of energy that move water and fat molecules to cook food quickly, Steam - Foods cooked by vapors from boiling water, Braise - Food sauteed or seared at high temperatures then cooked slowly in a closed pot with a small amount of liquid, Boil - Food cooked in a liquid that has reached its highest possible temperature and has rapid bubbles, Bake - Cooking food by hot air in the oven, Broil - Food cooked quickly directly under a heat source, Roast - Food that is cooked by hot air in an oven, uncovered, similar to baking, usually at higher temperatures, Saute - Food cooked quickly in a hot pan with little fat, Pan Fry - Food cooked in a minimal amount of fat over moderate heat, Deep Fry - Food submerged completely in oil, Poach - Cook food in water that is hot but not bubbling, Smoke - Food is exposed to smoke from burning or smoldering material like wood, Stew - Process of cooking food slowly covered in liquid, creates a thickened consistency, food and cooking liquid are served together,

Cooking Methods


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