You stole the car! (accuse) - police officer, You should take some antibiotics. (recommend) - doctor, You must revise before the exam! (insist) - teacher, My team won every match! (boast) - football coach, What do you want to eat? (ask) - waitress, Why don't you try a new hairstyle? (suggest) - hairdresser, Please show your ticket. (tell) - bus driver, You ought to buy a new toothbrush. (recommend) - dentist, Please buy my new book! (beg) - author, I will improve the economy! (promise) - politician, I'm sorry for delayed flight. (apologise) - pilot, I'll write a song for you. (offer) - musician, You should give less food to your dog. (suggest) - vet, You shouldn't run near the pool. (warn) - lifeguard, You should get some new glasses. (suggest) - optician,

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