Debate - A discussion between people in which they express different opinions about something, Pro / In Favor / For - An argument for something, Con /Not In Favor / Against - An argument against something, Argument - A statement for or against something with reasoning, Claim - A debatable statement that you can support using evidence and reasoning, Evidence - Information from an article/text that is used to support an argument, Reason - A statement or fact that explains why, Agree - To approve of something, Disagree - To have a different opinion or to not agree, Opening Statement - The beginning of a debate where each side explains their argument, Rebuttal - A statement that proves something is wrong by using arguments or evidence, Closing Statement - The ending of the debate where each side restates their argument and key points, Fact - A true piece of information, Opinion - What someone thinks about something, Counterclaim - A sentence where you explain why your idea is better than the other side’s ideas.,

Debate Vocabulary


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