1) Act like a chicken until it’s your next turn. 2) Do 20 squats. 3) Bark like a dog until it’s your next turn. 4) Read the last text message you received out loud. 5) Show the strangest thing you have in your wallet/pockets. 6) Shout out the first word that comes to your mind 7) Try to put your whole fist in your mouth 8) Do as many push-ups as you can in one minute. 9) Spin for 30 seconds and then try to walk a straight line. 10) Say 'hello' and 'thank you' in three languages. 11) Sing a popular song from your country. 12) Go outside and do your best wolf howl at the moon. 13) Try to drink a cup of water without using your hands. 14) How old are you? Whatever your age is, do that many squats. 15) Pretend to mow grass with an invisible mower 16) Try to lick your elbow 17) Put your shoes on the wrong feet and keep them there for the rest of the game. 18) Eat a snack without using your hands 19) Teach the group a phrase in your native language. 20) Dance without music for 1 minute 21) Eat five spoonfuls of a condiment of your choice 22) Try to juggle 3 things of the your choice 23) Put as many snacks into your mouth at once as you can 24) Pretend to be a food item of your choice 25) Try and make yourself cry in front of the group 26) For the next 10 minutes, every time someone asks you something, respond with a bark 27) Try not to laugh for the next 10 minutes 28) Smile as widely as you can and hold it for 1 minute 29) Say everything in a whisper for the next 10 minutes 30) Talk about what you like about the other person for the next one minute 31) Sing instead of speaking for the next round of the game. 32) Sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs. 33) Stand outside the room and wave to everyone who passes in the next minute. 34) Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone 35) Show us your screen time report 36) Keep your eyes closed until it's your turn again 37) Show your favourite picture of yourself 38) Draw a picture of your favorite animal 39) Say the alphabet backward as fast as you can. 40) Imitate an animal of the group's choice until someone guesses what it is. 41) Use body language to show a vegetable 42) Describe your last meal 43) Use body language to explain a hobby or activity you enjoy, and let the group guess what it is. 44) Without speaking, act out how you feel about learning English. 45) Laugh out loud for 1 minute 46) Put a book on your head while walking across the room. 47) Sing the alphabet song in a silly voice. 48) Try to say a tongue twister that someone in the group suggests. 49) Act like you are stuck in slow motion for a minute. 50) Use a funny accent of your choice 51) Walk around the room and high-five everyone. 52) Try to stand on one leg while touching your nose for 30 seconds. 53) Try to say something with your mouth closed. 54) Act like you’re swimming across the room.


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