1) What did I do to strengthen my recovery today? 2) What problem behaviors did I exhibit today? 3) What could I improve from today? 4) What did I learn about myself today? 5) Did I set or accomplish any goals today? If not, what did I do today that brings me closer to my goal(s)? 6) What is one problem I had today? How did I solve it? 7) What is one coping skill that I learned today? 8) What am I grateful for today? 9) Name at least three ways you can cope with cravings. 10) Tell about someone who is supportive of your recovery. 11) Do you have a sponsor? What’s helpful and what’s not? 12) What’s the difference between helping and enabling? 13) Tell about a time you were in denial. 14) On a scale from 1 to 10, where are you at in your recovery and what does that number mean to you? 15) Tell about a healthy risk you have taken this week. 16) What brought you to NA? 17) How has your life changed since getting clean? 18) What makes your recovery possible? 19) What are your triggers? 20) How has your relationship with your family evolved over the course of your recovery? 21) What are your strenghts? 22) What are some of the challenges you have faced in your recovery? 23) There are good days and there are bad days. What do you do to cope with the bad days? 24) "Play the tape through." What does that tape really look like? 25) Do you think you could achieve sobriety without changing your lifestyle? 26) How have your goals changed since coming to recovery? What are your goals now? 27) How do you feel about being of service? Could NA survive without you? 28) What suggestions do you have for people who are still in active addiction? 29) What are the benefits of practicing forgiveness? 30) What does the phrase "Spiritual Awakening" mean to you? 31) Do you have any resentments? 32) What does forgivesness mean to you? 33) What are some situations you can identify from your own life where you acted on self-will? What were the results? 34) What do you do to be of service and why is that important? 35) What are you doing to improve your conscious contact with the God of your understanding? 36) How do you deal with anger? 37) How does your involvement in NA complement your spiritual journey? 38) How has your idea of fun changed since coming to recovery? 39) How often do you pray and why? 40) How are you showing gratitude for your recovery? 41) How has your faith and trust in a Higher Power grown? 42) What have you learned about healthy relationships in recovery? 43) What have you learned about establishing healthy boundaries in recovery? 44) What was your hitting bottom like for you? 45) Have you ever attempted to use self-will to remove your shortcomings? What was your experience with it? 46) What was your understanding of a higher power prior to coming into the rooms of NA? 47) What expectations do you have about your amends process? 48) Do you see old patterns from before coming to NA in your life today? 49) What does anonymity mean to you? 50) What gets in the way of acceptance? 51) Which spiritual principles do you find most important? 52) How has honesty made a difference in your recovery? 53) What are some things you have learned about yourself since coming to the rooms of NA? 54) What is the difference between needing to be clean and wanting recovery? 55) Why is “principles before personalities” important? 56) What recovery advice do you most often give and least often follow? 57) In what specific ways has your addiction been manifesting itself in your life? 58) When did you realize your addiction was a problem? 59) What are some ways you've experienced the NA message? 60) What were some fears you had before coming to recovery? 61) What are you afraid to admit to other recovering addicts? 62) How has a higher power worked in your life? 63) How have the connections you have made in the fellowship helped you in your recovery? 64) What are some of the gifts recovery has given you? 65) How does your pride affect your recovery? 66) How has narcotics anonymous played a role in your life? 67) What doe self-love mean to you? 68) What is it exactly that keeps you coming back? 69) What advice do you have for the newcomer? 70) What small victory are you proud of today? 71) How have your relationships improved since entering recovery? 72) How has recovery positively impacted your life? 73) What is bringing you joy and happiness right now? 74) How do you cope with cravings? 75) What self-care activity have you engaged in recently that has been beneficial for your well-being? 76) What is one goal you have for yourself in your recovery journey? 77) Is there a quote or story that has inspired you on your recovery journey? 78) What role models or mentors have positively influenced your recovery? 79) How do you manage stress and avoid turning to substances? 80) What coping mechanisms or strategies have been helpful for you in challenging situations?

Recovery Is Possible


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