What was your favourite story when you were a child? Why did you like it?, What is your favourite breakfast?, Would you prefer an activity holiday or a relaxing holiday? Why?, What is the best film you have seen this year? Why did you like it?, Is there anything you would like to change about your language learning?, Would you rather be an astronaut or a national president? Why?, If you found a lost dog, what would you do?, Who was your favourite teacher when you were at primary school? Why?, Could you survive without your phone for a month? How?, What are you wearing today?, Do you enjoy horror films? Why?, What is your favourite dessert?, Have you ever had a disappointing holiday? What went wrong?, Who is your favourite music artist? Why do you like him/her/them?, Which website do you use the most for your English learning? Why is it good?, Would you rather be a film star or a successful inventor? Why?, If you were ill on the day of an exam, what would you do?, Do you prefer team sports or sports for one person? Why?, Could you survive without the internet for a month? How would you manage?, What do usually you wear at the weekend?.
final speaking pre-inter
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