Scotland's national animal is a unicorn, The United Kingdom (UK) is made up of 4 countries: Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales, Ben Nevis is the tallest mountain in the United Kingdom, Golf was invented in Scotland, Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its own fire brigade, Scotland has over 790 islands! , The Bank of Scotland is the oldest bank in the United Kingdom, The first international football match was played in Scotland in 1872, Scotland has the shortest flight in the world, it takes just 1 minute!, The television was invented in Scotland by John Logie Baird in 1925, Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland, Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, The telephone was invented by a Scottish man called Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, There are more people with ginger hair in Scotland than anywhere else in the world, The Falkirk Wheel is the only rotating boat lift in the world,
Scotland Facts
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