Shirley Valentine was a woman of 42 from Liverpool, in England., One summer, she went on holiday to Greece with a friend, Jane., They stayed in a hotel near the beach and the manager of this hotel was a man called Costas., Shirley went to the hotel bar one evening and started talking to Costas., After a while he said, "Would you like to go for a ride in my brother's boat tomorrow?", She thought he was nice so she went with him the next day and enjoyed the boat trip very much., After that, she went out with him every day; they swam, sunbathed and visited the sights of Greece., At the end of her holiday, Shirley went to the airport but when she thought of Liverpool, she decided not to go home., She ran out of the airport and went back to the hotel where she saw Costas in the bar with a woman., She heard him say, "Would you like to go for a ride in my brother's boat?", When Costas saw Shirley, he was shocked, but Shirley smiled at him and asked him for a job in his hotel., She wasn't in love with Costas - she was in love with Greece..
Pre-int/Inter: Shirley Valentine (Past Simple)
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