1) What are the four components of the wheel of change? a) Creating, eliminating, accepting preserving. b) Producing, wasting, agreeing, keeping. c) Making, discussing, saving, disposing. d) Buying, retaining, keeping agreeing. 2) Which of the following is a resource to enable training and coaching? a) Courses b) Time c) Reading d) E-learning 3) What does the acronym SWOT analysis stand for? a) Standard, weakness, opportunity, threat. b) Strength, wilfulness, opportunity, threat. c) Strength, weakness, opportunity, threat. d) Strength, weakness, opportunity, thought. 4) What does R stand for in the acronym SMART objective? a) Realistic b) Relevant c) Reward d) Retain 5) which theorist is responsible for the theory of Emotional Intelligence? a) David Goddard b) Donald Gellard c) David Goffin d) Daniel Goleman 6) What is 360-degree feedback? a) Feedback from your Manager and team member. b) Feedback from your Manager. c) Appraisal feedback. d) Self-assessment feedback. 7) What does PDP stand for? a) Personal Dictated Plan. b) Personal Development Plan. c) Personal Development Phase. d) Personal Decided Project. 8) Who ‘coined’ the phrase ‘the halo effect’? a) Edward Timberlake b) Edward Timpson c) Edward Thorndyke d) Edward Taylor 9) According to Salovey & Mayer, ‘PUUM’ is an abbreviation for? a) Plan, Use, Understand, Manage. b) Principle, Utilise, Understand, Maintain. c) Perceive, Understand, Undertake, Manage. d) Perceive, Use, Understand, Manage. 10) What is Gibbs known for? a) Recycling. b) Reflective practice. c) Memory recall. d) Referral.
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