Beth: Hi, Leo. Can I ask your advice about ____? Leo: Yes, of ____. What's the ____ Beth: Well, I'm worried about my schoolwork. Leo: Really? But you're good at every subject! Beth: But I have to work in my parents' shop at weekends. So it's really difficult to do my homework. Leo: Yes, I ____. Beth: What do you think I should ____? Leo: You should talk to your mum and dad. You should ____ them how you feel. Beth: Should I say I can't work at the shop? Leo: No, you shouldn't do ____. They need your help. But perhaps you can just work there in the mornings. Beth: Yes, you're ____. Thanks, Leo. Beth: Hi, Leo. Can I ask your ____ about something? Leo: Yes, of course. What's the problem? Beth: Well, I'm ____ about my schoolwork.Leo: Really? But you're good at every ____! Beth: But I have to work in my parents' shop at weekends. So it's really ____ to do my homework. Leo: Yes, I see.Beth: What do you think I should do? Leo: You should talk to your mum and dad. You should tell them how you ____. Beth: Should I say I can't work at the shop? Leo: No, you shouldn't do that. They ____ your help. But ____ you can just work there in the mornings .Beth: Yes, you're right. Thanks, Leo. Beth: Hi, Leo. Can I ask your advice ____ something? Leo: Yes, ____ course. What's the problem? Beth: Well, I'm worried ____ schoolwork. Leo: Really? But you're good ____ subject! Beth: But I have to work ____ my parents' shop ____. So it's really difficult to do my homework. Leo: Yes, I see. Beth: What do you think I should do?Leo: You should talk ____ your mum and dad. You should tell them ____ you feel. Beth: Should I say I can't work ____ the shop? Leo: No, you shouldn't do that. They need your help. But perhaps you can just work there ____ mornings.Beth: Yes, you're right. Thanks, Leo.
2G Giving advice Solutions elementary
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