Community - all of the populations of organisms living in the same area, Populations - total number of organisms living in an area; made up of only ONE TYPE of organism, habitat - an organism home, desert - a very dry ecosystem, producers - capture light energy from the sun and transform it into food., chloroplasts - give producers their green color, consumers - eat food made by producers, decomposers - break down living and dead matter, food chain - the steps in which organisms get food, food web - shows how food chains are related in an ecosystem, ecosystem - shows how the living and non-living plants work together, carnivores - eats only animals, herbivores - eats only plants, omnivores - eats both plants and animals, terrestrial habitat - a habitat relating to the land such as a forest, desert, or tundra, aquatic habitat - a water habitat: such as a pond, marsh, swamp, river, or ocean, environment - everything around an organism that affects it, mimicry - copying the looks of another animal in order to survive, migrate - moving to another location to find food, shelter, or better weather, hibernate - to rest or sleep through the cold winter, camoflauge - an adaptation that allows animals to blend in to their surroundings, adaptation - a special characteristic that helps an organism survive, instinct - a behavior that an animal is born knowing how to do, inherited trait - a characteristic that comes from your parents, like eye color, learned behavior - a behavior that an animal is taught, organism - any living thing, behavioral adaptaion - a behavior that allows an animal to survive, physical adaptation - a body part or covering that allows an animal to survive,
Structures in nature
3rd Grade
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