How many months are there in one year?, What is the name of the first month of the year?, Name the months that have 31 days, Name the months that have 30 days, When do Brazilians celebrate Carnival?, When is Christmas celebrated?, When is your teacher´s birthday?, Name the months that start with the letter "J", When do Brazilians celebrate Independence Day?, Name the months that start with vowels., Name the months when you don´t go to school., What is the name of the last month in a year?, How many days does a week have?, Which day comes after Monday?, Which day comes before Friday?, Which days do you come to this school?, Name the days you don´t go to school., Which day do Brazilians celebrate Mother´s day?, Which day is it today?, Which day will it be tomorrow?, Which day was it yesterday?, Name the days that start with letter "T", When is Easter celebrated?.
SYSTEMIC B4 Part II L09 App2
4th Grade
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