map - a picture or chart that shows the features of an area, diagram - a drawing that explains or shows the parts of something, illustration - a picture or diagram that explains or decorates, caption - a comment or title that goes with a picture, chart - a sheet giving information in a table or lists or by means of diagrams, bold print - a heavy black type Example: Bears hibernate in the winter., heading - a word, phrase, etc., that is placed at the beginning of a document, passage, etc., or at the top of a page, Glossary - a list that provides definitions for the difficult or unusual words used in a book, author - a person who has written something, title - the name given to something (as a book, song, or job) to identify or describe it, Table of Contents - short list of chapters or topics in a book, Index - an alphabetical list at the end of a book that shows the page where each thing in the list can be found, text features - items in a nonfiction text that help us find important information in a text, photograph - a picture made by a camera,
Text Features
1st Grade
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