Proclamation of 1763 - Forbid colonist from moving West of the Appalachian mountains, Boston Massacre - Protest in Boston that killed 5 colonist including Crispus Attucks, Civil Disobedience - Idea that people can disobey the government if laws are unfair, Intolerable/Coercive Acts - no ships in or out, No town meetings, Trials in England, Forced quartering , First Continental Congress - 55 delegates met and decided to form Militias and to boycott British goods, Battle of Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts - 1st battle of American Revolution , Second Continental Congress - Met in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine - Wrote pamphlet called "Common Sense", Patriots - Colonist who wanted to fight for Independence , Loyalist - Colonist who remained loyal to the King of England, Declaration of Independence - Written in 1776, Main author Thomas Jefferson, declared freedom from England, Battle of Saratoga, New York - Turning point in American Revolution, French help, Valley Forge - Cold, winter, frostbite , Yorktown, Virginia - Final battle of American Revolution, Cornwallis surrenders , Treaty of Paris 1783 - Treaty that ended American Revolution , Treaty of Paris 1763 - Treaty that ended French and Indian War, French and Indian War - French and Indians Vs England over the Ohio River Valley, Sam Adams - Leader of the Sons of Liberty , Benjamin Franklin - Delegate who represented the colonist , John Paul Jones - Father of the Navy, James Armistead - Spy for the colonist, Wentworth Cheswell - Patriot who passed info. (Like Paul Revere), John Adams - Lawyer for English after Boston Massacre, Abigail Adams - Wanted women's right, Mercantilism - Controlled trade where England benefits from the colonists , Mercy Otis Warren - Wrote plays and poems talking bad about England,
American Revolution
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