Protein: Grow muscles, Repair tissues, Necessary to make enzymes and hormones, Makes up 15-20% of your daily diet, , , Fat: Energy source for performing low intensity endurance exercise, Helps carry vitamins, Provides warmth for body, Protection of vital organs, Makes up 25-30% of your daily diet, Unsaturated is found in oily fish, nuts and olive oil, Saturated is found in meat, dairy, cakes and confectionary, Carbphydrates: Complex is slow release energy, Simple is fast release energy, Complex is starchy foods, Simple is sugary food, Makes up 55-60% of your daily diet, Main energy source of the body, Can be loaded up on prior to a competition, Vitamins: Improve general health, Vital in production of energy, Helps Metabolism, Prevents disease, , Minerals: Iron for making haemoglobin in red blood cells, Calcium for bone density, Lost through sweat, Maintaining efficient working of body systems, Healthy bones and teeth, Fibre: Helps digestive system to work properly, Reduces the risk of bowel disease, Reduce cholesterol, Limit risk of diabetes/obesity, , Water: Carries nutrients into the body, Helps with removal of waste products, Regulates body temperature, Makes up 65% of human body, Recommended to have 2.5 Litres a day,
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